Friday, January 30, 2009

We received wonderful and useful gifts. Mike can't wait to use his gift.

Family and special friends helped us celebrate.

Our famous Betty Crocker served up the most delicious dishes.

Here's our very first baby shower. It was hosted by Jennifer and Mom. Everything was so beautiful. The food was delicious and everyone had a great time.

Here's us getting our referral paperwork! Boy, are we excited!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Here she is!

We got it!!!!!! We actually got our referral around 5:00 pm on Tuesday, December 30th. It has been a whirlwind of excitement since then and I am just now finding the time to sit down and post. We are both over the moon in love with our baby girl. We feel like the luckiest parents in the world. Xiu Hua Yue is from Xiushan in the Sichuan Province. Her birthdate is 3/25/08. We have decided to name her Tess Sawyer Hyde. Here are her beautiful pictures. It was so worth the wait!