Monday, March 09, 2009

Tess has had a hard couple of days with a runny nose, cough and fever. We were concerned about her passing her physical exam with all her symptoms. If they thought she was too sick, China would not let us take her out of the country until she got better. Fortunately, her fever went down and she started feeling better the morning of her exam. Thank goodness because there was no way we were leaving without her. Today she still has a cough but no fever or runny nose.

1 comment:

Abbie Carnes said...

Hey guys! Glad to know that Tess is feeling better. You should not have worried- if there was a problem leaving the county I'm certain Diane would have made arrangements for a military search and rescue operation so that you will not miss Patchwork :O) !
Thanks for the great pictures- the one of Tess in the blue sweater is lovely! Can't wait to see y'all!